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Intellectual Output_IO.3


INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT - IO.3: Digital hands-on toolkit collection for cultivating a growth mindset

In order to make the MOOC as efficient and useful as possible, the partnership will elaborate a Hands-on toolkit in order to help teacher adopting the growth mindset approach, organising learning activities, evaluating learning outcomes. The toolkit will be the results of all the previous project activities, and will especially integrate the feedback and the comments of the participants involved in this project’s learning activities. Teacher Hand-on toolkit is one of the most important outputs of this project. It is a sustainable collection of tools, activities and process roadmap for using in a classroom. It will be an open word document to allow teachers to flexibly adapt all the materials included in the toolkit.

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"


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Información del proyecto

Summary It is a fact that teachers have profound impact on student motivation but theories about the best practice and the pedagogical methods to achieve this vary. Instead of technical, teacher-centered, direct instructions that will suppress inquiry-based learning, our project builds on student-centered instructions to shape the students' mindset towards the belief that their own initiatives matter - a growth mindset. By helping students to develop a growth mindset, teachers make teaching - and learning - more effective. Growth mindset students request better feedback and have better learning orientation. They also show grit more often and thus persist longer. This project is an upgrade of the previous successful project MindSet Go! - where the partners developed lesson plans based on a growth mindset. This project aims higher as we want to change the culture and learning environment at schools and also have an impact on parents. Teacher trainers and partner schools from Sweden,
Concurso de logotipos:  Presentación del proyecto a los alumno. Queremos animaros a todos/as a que participéis en las primeras actividades del proyecto y a que forméis parte del mismo. El objetivo del proyecto MindsetGo! 2.0 es ayudar a los estudiantes a eliminar su sensación de ser inadecuados o inseguros para así entrenar su autoestima, la cual será determinante tanto en su rendimiento académico como en su etapa adulta. Según Carol Dweck (2006, 2012), esta falta de autoestima está muy relacionada con lo que ella distingue entre una “mentalidad fija” y una “mentalidad en crecimiento”. Los alumnos con una mentalidad fija creen que tendrán éxito en algo porque han nacido con una determinada habilidad y por lo tanto no emprenderán nuevos proyectos para los que necesitan habilidades que no tienen. Por el contrario, aquellos que tienen una mentalidad en crecimiento están convencidos de que pueden triunfar en cualquier actividad si se dedican y esfuerzan todo lo que sea necesario. a.